Robbie Burns

2033 days ago

Tom Winifrith Bearcast - Distracted by an illegitimate great grandmother as Robbie Burns offers to kill me

The somewhat obscure headline references are explained in the podcast suffice to say Mr Burns is a top guy and no Darren Winters as implied yesterday. At a company level I look at Accesso Technology (ASCO), Diurnal Group (DNL), First Derivatives (FDP), SalvarX (SALV), Sosandar (SOS) and Akers Bioscionces (AKR) and a most extraordinary statement from it today.


2034 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hey Robbie Burns are you Darren Winters in a cheap suit? And why First Derivatives shares should more than halve!

Apparently Robbie Burns, The Naked Trader, is giving Darren Winters style uber expensive and useless trading courses at which he terms me a drunk. Hmmmm... As a sub 5 units a week man, my PA investing is not going so badly that I have to resort to being Darren Winters in a cheap suit.  The bulk of this podcast is on First Derivatives (FDP). After yesterday's bombshell expose I explain why the shares - down 25% last week - could easily more than halve again from here. 


2977 days ago

Mickey Mouse ADVFN Awards - I lose again, Stanley Gibbons wins - whatever

Last year in ADVFN's financial services awards the share blogger of the year was Dan Levi, Brokerman Dan, aka the business partner of ADVFN head honcho Clem Chambers. Natch I was gutted not to win so what about this year. Shucks. The awards were announced this morning and once again I am not even mentioned. Double shucks.

The blogger of the year is Robbie Burns who wrote a best selling book about 15 years ago. His website appears to feature a new diary entry about once a month. These days Robbie earns his living charging an arm and a leg for his trading courses. He who can does he who cant teaches but am sure it is different for this guy. Anyhow well done Robbie. Maybe if I stop breaking the biggest stockmarket frauds on a regular basis and cut down to one article a month I might win next year?

I note that Robbie is in good company in the award winners. The best research analysts are Edison. You mean the folks who are paid by companies to churn out shite bullish notes to ramp stocks ahead of placings? Yes indeed,


3851 days ago

3 books worth £31.98 on offer for free (inc Robbie Burns' Naked Trader) - last 10 of 200 going

For the first two hundred applicants we had three free books which would cost you £31.98 on Amazon to give away free. They include The Naked Trader by Robbie Burns and Alpesh Patel’s book on spreadbetting. It is first come first served. There aren now just TEN sets left on offer. To get your free books…



3853 days ago

Three Books worth £31.98 including Robbie Burns Naked Trader to give away free – 200 on offer

For the first two hundred applicants we have three free books which would cost you £31.98 on Amazon to give away free. They include The Naked Trader by Robbie Burns and Alpesh Patel’s book on spreadbetting. It is first come first served. To get your free books…

